/* * Internal method to merge two roots * Deals with deviant cases and calls recursive merge1. */ LeftistNode * merge( LeftistNode *h1, LeftistNode *h2 ) { if( h1 == NULL ) return h2; if( h2 == NULL ) return h1; if( h1->element < h2->element ) return merge1( h1, h2 ); else return merge1( h2, h1 ); }
/* * Internal method to merge two roots * Assumes trees are not empty,and h1`s root contains smallest item. */ LeftistNode *merge1( LeftistNode *h1, LeftistNode *h2 ){ if( h1->left == NULL ) // single node h1->left = h2; // Other fields in h1 already accurate else { h1->right = merge( h1->right, h2 ); if( h1->left->npl < h1->right->npl ) swapChildren( h1 ); h1->npl = h1->right->npl + 1; } return h1;}
图5-21 合并H1和H2的右路径的结果
/** * Insers x; duplicates allowed. */ void insert( const Comparable & x ) { root = merge( new LeftistNode( x ), root ); }
/** * Remove the minimum item * Throws underflowException if empty. */void deleteMin(){ if( isEmpty() ) throw UnderflowException(); LeftistNode *oldRoot = root; root = merge( root->left, root->right ); delete oldRoot; }/** * Remove the minimum item * Throws underflowException if empty. */ void deleteMin( Comparable & minItem ) { minItem = findMin(); deleteMin(); }
5.7 斜堆
斜堆(skew heap)是左式堆的自调节形式,实现起来极其简单。斜堆和左式堆间的关系类似于伸展树和AVL树间的关系。斜堆是具有堆序的二叉树,但是不存在对树的结构限制。不同于左式堆,关于任何节点的零路径长的任何信息都不保留。斜堆的右路经在任何时刻都可以任意长,因此所有操作最坏的情形是Ο(N)。正如伸展树一样,对任意M次操作,总的坏情形运行时间是Ο(MlogN)。因此,斜堆的每次操作摊还开销(amortized cost)为Ο(logN)。
图5-22 两个斜堆H1和H2
图5-23 将H2与H1的右子堆合并的结果
图5-24 合并斜堆H1和H2的结果
5.8 二项队列
5.8.1 二项队列结构
二项队列(binomial queue)不同于前面介绍的所有优先队列的实现之处在于,一个二项队列不是一棵堆序的树,而是堆序的树的集合,称为森林(forest)。堆序树中的每一棵都是有约束的形式,叫做二项树(binomial tree)。每一个高度上至多存在一棵二项树。高度为0的二项树是一棵单节点树;高度为k的二项树Bk通过将一棵二项树Bk-1附接到另一棵二项树Bk-1的根上而构成。如下图所示;
图5-25 二项树B0、B1、B2、B3以及B4
从图中可以看出,二项树Bk由一个带有儿子B0,B1,…,Bk-1的根组成。高度为k的二项树恰好有2^k个节点,而在深度为d处的节点处为二项系数(k d)。如果我们把堆序施加到二项树上并允许任意高度上最多一棵二项树,那么我们能用二项树的集合唯一地表示任意大小的优先队列。下面是6个元素的优先队列的例子。
图5-26 具有6个元素的二项队列H1
5.8.2 二项队列操作
图5-27 两个二项队列H1和H2
图5-28 H1和H2中两棵B1树合并
图5-29 二项队列H3:合并H1和H2的结果
图5-30 在插入1之后
图5-31 在插入2之后
图5-32 在插入3之后
图5-33 在插入4之后
图5-34 在插入5之后
图5-35 在插入6之后
图5-36 在插入7之后
图5-37 二项队列H3
图5-38 二项队列H’,包含除B3外的H3中所有的二项树
图5-39 二项队列H'':除去12后的B3
图5-40 deleteMin应用到H3的结果
5.8.3 二项队列的实现
图5-41 画成森林的二项队列H3
图5-42 二项队列H3的表示方式
templateclass BinomialQueue{ public: BinomialQueue(); BinomialQueue( const Comparable & Item ); BinomialQueue( const BinomialQueue & rhs ); ~BinomialQueue(); bool isEmpty() const; const Comparable & findMin() const; void insert( const Comparable & x ); void deleteMin(); void deleteMin( Comparable & minItem ); void makeEmpty(); void merge( BinomialQueue & rhs ); const BinomialQueue & operator= ( const BinomialQueue & rhs ); private: struct BinomialNode { Comparable element; BinomialNode *leftChild; BinomialNode *nextSibling; BinomialNode( const Comparable & theElement, BinomialNode *lt, BinomialNode *rt ) : element( theElement ), leftChild( lt ), nextSibling( rt ) { } }; enum { DEFAULT_TREES = 1 }; int currentSize; // Number of items in priority queue vector theTrees; // An array of tree roots int findMinIndex() const; int capacity() const; BinomialNode * combineTrees( BinomialNode *t1, BinomialNode *t2 ); void makeEmpty( BinomialNode * & t ); BinomialNode * clone( BinomialNode *t ) const; };
/** * Return the result of merging equal-sized t1 and t2 */ BinomialNode * combineTrees( BinomialNode *t1, BinomialNode *t2 ) { if( t2->element < t1->element ) return combineTrees( t2, t1 ); t2->nextSibling = t1->leftChild; t1->leftChild = t2; return t1; }
/** * Merge rhs into the priority queue * ths becomes empty.rhs must be different from this. */ void merge( BinomialQueue & rhs ) { if( this == &rhs ) // Avoid aliasing problems return; currentSize += rhs.currentSize; if( currentSize > capacity() ) { int oldNumTree = theTrees.size(); int newNumTrees = max( theTree.size(), rhs.theTrees.size() ) + 1; theTrees.resize( newNumTrees ); for( int i = oldNumTrees; i < newNumTrees; i++ ) theTrees[ i ] = NULL; } BinomialNode *carry = NULL; for( int i = 0, j = 1; j <= currentSize; i++, j *= 2 ) { BinomialNode *t1 = theTrees[ i ]; BinomialNode *t2 = i < rhs.theTree.size() ? rhs.theTrees[ i ] : NULL; int whichCase = t1 ==NULL ? 0 : 1; whichCase += t2 == NULL ? 0 : 4; swicth( whichCase ) { case 0: // No trees case 1: // Only this break; case 2: // Only rhs thrTrees[ i ] = t2; rhs.theTrees[ i ] = NULL; break; case 4: // Only carry theTrees[ i ] = carry; carry = NULL; break; case 3: // this and rhs carry = combineTrees( t1, t2 ); theTrees[ i ] = rhs.theTrees[ i ] = NULL; break; case 5: // this and carry carry = combineTrees( t1, carry ); theTrees[ i ] = NULL; break; case 6: // rhs and carry carry = combineTrees( t2, carry ); rhs.theTrees[ i ] = NULL; break; case 7: // All trees theTrees[ i ] = carry; carry = combineTrees( t1, t2 ); rhs.theTrees[ i ] = NULL; break; } } for( int k = 0; k < rhs.theTrees.size(); k++ ) rhs.theTrees[ k ] = NULL; rhs.currentSize = 0; }
5.9 标准库中的优先队列
void push( const Object & x );const Object & top() const;void pop();bool empty();void clear();
/** * Remove the minimum item and place it in minitem. * Throw UnderflowException if empty. */ void deleteMin( Comparable & minItem ) { if( isEmpty() ) throw UnderflowException(); int minIndex = findMinIndex(); minItem = theTrees[ minIndex ]->element; BinomialNode *oldRoot = theTrees[ minIndex ]; BinomialNode *deleteTree = oldRoot->leftChild; delete oldRoot; // Construct H'' BinomialQueue deleteQueue; deleteQueue.theTrees.resize( minIndex + i ); deleteQueue.currentSize = ( 1 << minIndex ) - 1; for( int j = minIndex - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) { deleteQueue.theTree[ j ] = deletedTree; deletedTree = deletedTree->nextSibling; deleteQueue.thetree[ j ]->nextSibling = NULL; } // Construct H' theTrees[ minIndex ] = NULL; currentSize -= deleteQueue.currentSize + 1; merge( deleteQueue ); } /** * Find index of tree containing the smallest item in the priority queue. * The priority queue must not be empty. * Return the index of tree containing the smallest item. */ int findMinindex() const { int i; int minIndex; for( i = 0; theTrees[ i ] == NULL; i++ ) ; for( minIndex = i; i < theTrees.size(); i++ ) if( theTrees[ i ] != NULL && theTrees[ i ]->element < theTrees[ minIndex ]->element ) minIndex = i; return minIndex; }
#include#include #include #include using namespace std;template void dumpContents( const string & msg, PriorityQueue & pq ){ cout << msg << ":" << endl; while( !pq.empty() ) { cout << pq.top() << endl; pq.pop(); }}// Do some inserts and remove( done in dumpContents ).int main(){ priority_queue maxPQ; priority_queue , greater > minPQ; minPQ.push( 4 ); minPQ.push( 3 ); minPQ.push( 5 ); maxPQ.push( 4 ); maxPQ.push( 3 ); maxPQ.push( 5 ); dumpContents( "minPQ", minPQ ); // 3 4 5 dumpContents( "maxPQ", maxPQ ); // 5 4 3 return 0;}